Cpa Reviewed: The Cpa Exam Podcast

July 2021 CPA Exam Changes – Podcast #93



Questions covered on this CPA Exam Podcast: "What are the CPA Exam changes after July 1?" “Many CPA study programs market their materials with prescribed study time amounts. How is Ninja CPA Review different?.” “How do I study for FAR? I have been out of school for years and the massive amount of information overwhelms me. Help!” “I passed FAR & REG without notes but failed AUD & BEC. What would you recommend for someone like me?” "What kind of advice do you have for someone who is scoring in the mid 60's and above in more than 2 retakes!" “I sat for AUD and got a 70. I'm wondering if the CPA Exam is for me. Any study tips? How long should I study for my retake?” "I failed AUD and I don't know how to approach the subject again. Feeling absolutely lost." “I received a 73 on REG and lose AUD at the end of July… At least I have FAR for over a year…Please advise!” “REG - I have gotten a 72, 74, and 68. This was just using Wiley CPA and I now have purchased NINJA. Any advice.” "Would