Kalos Conversations

40: Loving & Gospeling When Offense Is Taken



In this episode, we work another case study.You are in a gospel community where several of the men and women are fans of craft beer. Conversation naturally flows in the direction of the intricacies of selecting, brewing, consuming, enjoying different kinds of alcohol. At the end of one specific night together, one of the member’s most recent batch of craft beer is consumed by a few people. Over the course of the next few weeks, it becomes apparent that one couple has removed themselves from all communication/participation with the community. You find out it is because they have taken offense over the community’s disposition toward alcohol. In a brief conversation, you become aware that his parents were strict teetotalers, her father was an abusive alcoholic, and they’ve felt pressured/bullied by the community for their disinterest in/abstinence from alcohol. They do not feel that a truly Christian gospel community would be a place where alcohol is consumed. They have no intention to rejoin the group and are l