Dukes Of Dice

Dukes of Dice - Ep. 223 - More than the Summer Its Parts



Be sure to nominate the Dukes for this year's Best Board Game Podcast for the Golden Geek Awards. Hurry, nominations close April 17, 2020! Click here to vote: https://boardgamegeek.com/geekawards/boardgame This episode the Dukes ...   ... Discuss recent plays while social distancing (21:07); and ... Alex is joined by Abby, My Girlfriend to review Azul: Summer Pavilion (1:14:57); and ... Alex and Sean discuss the GoldRam scale and what value you can get from assessing a games fiddliness to depth... it's kind a train wreck. Click here to     Twitter: @dukesofdice Facebook: /dukesofdice Dukes of Dice YouTube ChannelSubscribe on iTunes Thanks to our awesome sponsors - please give them a visit:  Arcane Wonders   Game Toppers