Hate To Weight | Our Diet And Weight Loss Journey

Ditching the Fast Food and Losing Weight!



In This Episode: We start off the episode singing just a bit (and complaining about the cold temperature). Emily and John are both off of fast food and the drive-thru! It’s making us more creative in the kitchen. Emily FINALLY got her perfect avocado! Who is your inner cook when you’re in the kitchen? High salt, high sugar, high fat = addictive! Our biggest hurdle is ourselves. We discuss the article about top tips from nutrition experts for staying healthy during the holidays. Put the cookie down! Congratulations to everyone for their #WinningWednesday posts! Let us know if you want a regular “Dut-dut!” or an Emily “Dut-dut!” Fiber is a dieter’s best friend. We’re at our lowest weight yet! We are live in the Facebook group Thursdays at 11 a.m. EST Join our the Hate to Weight Discussion Group on Facebook and have fun with us! Links Mentioned: Personal Finance Manager: Mint.com Dave Jackson from School of Podcasting and the Logical Weight Loss podcast The One Thing Top Nutrition Experts Do to Stay Healthy D