Hero Club

The City of Mirrors, Vol. 8: Maine (ft. Nick Kocher)



With Theobald and Bones in the thrall of the cursed idol, the team finds itself torn asunder by in-fighting. Not only that, but their next destination has no land to speak of on which to land the Wyvern. However, Nickelback knows of one person who may just be able to help solve BOTH of these rather unique problems… George Primavera - DM, Nickelback Nick Williams - "Bones" Mahoney Marty Abbe-Schneider - Sir Theobald Daringcroft Lelia Symington - Jade Pickitt Dylan McCollum - Vanya Baranov Nick Kocher - Reuchlin Wright Benjamin Watts - Grigori Rasputin Jessica Randazzo - Misc.