Hero Club

The City of Mirrors, Vol. 3: Over Al Jazeera (ft. Karen Fukuhara)



All is well for our globetrotting explorers as they depart for the Ottoman Empire. But their temerity may be shaken when they receive a distress call from an archaeological dig site under attack from a mysterious and extremely well-funded enemy. George Primavera - DM, Nickelback, Hessians Nick Williams - "Bones" Mahoney Marty Abbe-Schneider - Sir Theobald Daringcroft Lelia Symington - Jade Pickitt, Jessicoo Dylan McCollum - Vanya Baranov Karen Fukuhara - Penelope Kim Jackie Emerson - Professor Kitchmond Jack Quaid - Hans Aall Adam Rice-Carlson - Hessians