Where Else To Go

Episode #12 - Where Else to Go: Chattanooga



With its convenient location in southeastern Tennessee -it's an easy getaway from Atlanta, Knoxville, Nashville, Hunstsville, and Birmingham - it surprised me that most people don't  think of Chattanooga. It seems like an overlooked city, a definite where else to go destination, and it could easily be added on to a visit to this part of the country. Joining me on Episode #12 to talk about Chattanooga is Cory Lee. Cory Lee was diagnosed with Spinal Muscular Atrophy at the age of two, but that certainly has not diminished his desire to travel - wheelchair and all. He has been everywhere from Australia to Iceland, just to name a few, and he blogs about his accessible (and sometimes not so accessible) travel adventures on CurbFreeWithCoryLee.com. Cory hopes to inspire others to break out of their comfort zones and start rolling around the world. Getting around a city can be a bit frustrating for Cory at times, as he looks for accessible public transporation and taxis. He visits Chatannooga frequently as not only