
Malik Mack: The Foundations of Mr. Entreprenoir pt. 1



The newest episode of the GrUBcast is up!   Today’s episode features the serial entrepreneur Malik "Mr. Entreprenoir" Mack. Throughout the episode we chop it up about his journey to becoming a full time entrepreneur, constantly reminding people of his worth, and developing the courage to chase what you believe you’re meant to do.    When discussing the journey of entrepreneurship, very rarely do people discuss their “true beginning”. What inspired them at 10 or 14 years old, why pursue something with a nonlinear path of success, how did the first dream become reality on a step by step basis? During today’s episode I had the pleasure of interviewing Malik Mack and we talk about his road to full time entrepreneurship, what experiences lead him to running more that 5 successful businesses and why taking a chance on yourself is a fundamental step in living a fullfilling life. His story is entertaining, captivating and filled with gems of knowledge and we have even more content coming at you in Part 2 next week.