Lucky Roland

“juicy sausage face”



GOT DREAMS?! Still can’t stop thinking about rubbish. I’ve been thinking heaps about plastic in particular, cause that’s what the most scary rubbish is made of and everything. Plastic in the sea is so gnarly because it must look SO DELICIOUS to marine animals. Think about it. All squidgy, brightly coloured... balloons must look like lollies to turtles. Delicious looking, deadly underwater lollies. Which brings me to also ask what do you think about fake meat burgers and snags and general barbecue fodder? Something about it all feels a little bit suss to me? Anyway enjoy this extremely important broadcast. And if you rate/review/subscribe/share/blaaaaaaah blah blah, you’ll be doing someone a massive favour. (If it the favour for someone doesn’t end up being for the person you share it with, it’ll be for me. So it’ll hopefully be 2 favours in 1, which is mad for your karma and stuff, ok cheers) HEAVY VID ——>