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Make You Think – Brandsgiving, Facebook Takes Over Comcast and Disney, and Happiest Employees



Everywhere you turn a new person or blog jumps out from behind a corner or creeps through a crack to slap you in the face with “news” or more information. The supply of content available to us is NOT scarce. Actually, it’s the complete opposite. The supply is so high it has surpassed the demand. If this was a cartoon...the content overload would look like a race between the road runner verus droopy dog. The road runner would just be running laps around droopy so much so that the dust accumulated from his speed would cause an enormous cloud. Droopy would be forced to stop in his tracks and just wait. Or even worse, just abandon the race altogether. That’s exactly what some people are doing. People are giving up on all the amazing information available to them. There is an overload. That’s why I felt the responsibility to bring it upon myself to share all the amazing news and information that makes you think. More so, all the content that brings insight and value to you and your business. Like traveling to