

The only way traveling can come to be is through curiosity. Fostering your own curiosity, which is the root of all travel, is the only way to activate your active mind. Curiosity transforms your thinking about a location, about a culture, about yourself. It drives you to dive into new projects and to keep on asking questions, which can change your life, if you play your cards right. If you attempt to keep your mind open and practice being curious, you can cultivate your curiosity and have your own travel experience.   Check out our website at: Travel Stories Podcast Online Email Hayden (he’ll answer everything) at: Follow Hayden on Twitter and send him a Tweet (he’ll really answer everything) at: @travelstoriesuk on Twitter All musical composition and arrangement for story scores by Cody Crabb, who can be found at his website: All show notes and writing for episodes by Nicole Mello, who can be found at her website: Works By N.L. Mello Add Hayden on Snapchat to fo