52 Founders

Episode 32: Sean Chou, Catalytic



In this episode, you’ll hear about: -The state of innovation in Chicago, and how the startup ecosystem has changed since Sean built his first company -Sean’s transient childhood, and the hardships he saw his parents endure as Taiwanese immigrants who tried to be restauranteurs -Why hard work is not enough to be successful, and why it’s important to spend time thinking about business dynamics in any industry -How Sean views mentorship, and the relationship that guided him to a career in product -Why Sean hates the celebration of entrepreneurs who put work above all else, and how that can lead to a lack of diversity in your company -Why important decisions should never be made in Slack Be sure to check out the last few minutes of the episode, where Sean shares some of his favorite Chicago startups and the founder he would most want to interview (it’s a new one, and a bit of a surprise!).