52 Founders

Episode 30: Kevin Wang, Fossa



In this episode, you’ll hear about: -Who the ideal Fossa customer is, and why enterprise companies are not the only ones who care about code quality and security -The evolution from TLDRLegal to Fossa, and the opportunity Kevin saw to create a sustainable business -How attending the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy boarding school shaped Kevin’s childhood and led to his early independence -How Kevin’s parents, who emigrated from China, were the driving force behind his technical education -The “dual life” Kevin led growing up between school and freelance coding, and how the latter became his motivation to start a company -How working at Techstars Chicago marked the beginning of Kevin’s startup journey, and why he decided to move to San Francisco Be sure to stay tuned at the end of the episode, where Kevin shares some favorite Bay area companies and explains why there isn’t just one person he would most want to interview.