52 Founders

Episode 26: Max Lynch & Ben Sperry, Ionic



In this episode, you’ll hear about: -The beginnings of Ionic, which originated from Codiqa, a drag-and-drop tool for jQuery mobile that stemmed from the desire (and frustration) to quickly build great apps -Why the pair feels so strongly about building Ionic from Madison, and the cabin (aka garage) phase of the company -The private messaging forum / blog they created among their friends in high school (before the days of Facebook) to share poetry, stories, and updates (and gossip) -The thought process Max and Ben individually had surrounding becoming an entrepreneur, and how Y Combinator’s resources inspired them to start -What it’s like to hire and work with your friends, and the advice Max and Ben have for those that go down that path -Why it’s critical to find your evangelists when you build products, and how you come to terms with killing features and designs you love that others may not -How Max and Ben bootstrapped Ionic to get it off the ground, and advice for entrepreneurs on how to smartly start a co