52 Founders

Episode 16: Vivian Chan, Sparrho



In this episode you’ll hear about: -Why innovation tends to happen at the cross-section of disciplines, and how Sparrho is helping foster that innovation -Vivian’s childhood growing up in Australia (with parents working in education and publishing) where she discovered a love for science -The “contained chaos” that happens when getting a PhD at Cambridge, and the opportunities for leadership that were there -Why the occupational and cultural diversity in London will continue to drive problem solving and lead to the creation of more startups -The state of entrepreneurship and venture in Australia -How learning to program gave Vivian an appreciation for logic that went beyond her education in science Be sure to check out the end of the episode, where Vivian succinctly sums up the best piece of advice she’s ever received, the question she’d want to ask Elon Musk, and why she’d want to interview small-scale entrepreneurs.