52 Founders

Episode 9: Andy Sparks, Mattermark



In this episode, you’ll hear about: -How Andy’s cofounder Danielle convinced him to stay in the Valley to build what would later become Mattermark -Why a company’s data tells more of a story than its press releases -The pivotal moment for Mattermark, where publishing an article on Zombie VCs turned into finding a product / market fit -Why Andy finds starting a company more inspiring than taking a high-paying job (and why you should ignore people’s opinions on the matter) -The first business Andy started at a young age, and how its unfortunate business name enabled him to find his first customers -The self-awareness needed to move your company forward and how having shared values with your cofounder is critical Stay tuned to the end of the episode, where Andy tells us more about what he’s currently working on and what he would ask Jeff Bezos if he had the chance to interview him.