Fuse 8 N' Kate

Episode 116 - The Nativity



Today's book is sort of a favor to Kate and Betsy's mom. She's always been very fond of this particular telling of The Nativity, and it remains a favorite to this day. And it's so nice to return to Julie Vivas again! When last seen on this podcast we were looking at her book with Mem Fox called Wilfrid Gordon McDonald Partridge (found here: http://blogs.slj.com/afuse8production/2019/04/22/fuse-8-n-kate/). By the way, Betsy begins by saying that this book is out-of-print. Turns out there's a paperback edition (ISBN: 9780152060855) that's absolutely in print and FINE! So no worries there. False alarm! Show Notes: Thanks to the wonders of Google Books, you can actually find the selection from Censorship: A World Encyclopedia where the objections to this book are recorded here: https://books.google.com/books?id=nzisCQAAQBAJ&pg=PT1869&lpg=PT1869&dq=the+nativity+julie+vivas+censorship&source=bl&ots=gR_0T8y8Cv&sig=ACfU3U0l6llPRJ27Pmyb0nw3Bb1s4E8now&hl=en&ppis=_e&sa=X&ved=2