Fuse 8 N' Kate

Episode 111 - The Big Orange Splot



It seemed like it would be a pretty safe bet that Kate wouldn't have heard of this week's book. A little 1977 beauty it is. Betsy and Kate haven't done a Pinkwater book before, and this is a heckuva way to begin. It's a glorious celebration of disappointing the homeowner's associations of the world. It also apparently has to do with Nickelodeon, how to keep a pet alligator, and magical mystery lemonade. Show Notes: For further information about that weird moment when a standardized test took one of Pinkwater's stories and asked kids to explain it, check out this New York Times article on the subject: https://www.nytimes.com/2012/04/21/nyregion/standardized-testing-is-blamed-for-question-about-a-sleeveless-pineapple.html Woohoo! Teaching Children Philosophy is baaaack! Here is their section dedicated to The Big Orange Splot: https://www.teachingchildrenphilosophy.org/BookModule/TheBigOrangeSplot For the full Show Notes, please visit: http://blogs.slj.com/afuse8production/2019/11/11/fuse-8-n-kate-the-big-o