Fuse 8 N' Kate

Episode 103 - Swimmy



Betsy is very proud of herself. She managed to go this entire episode of the podcast without mentioning Rainbow Fish once. She and Kate do discuss Frederick briefly, but how can you not? In this episode Betsy discovers that no one has ever written a fun background story on how Leo Lionni came up with this book. Instead the sisters discuss whether or not Lionni was good at making art with cut potatoes, whether fish have eyebrows, and how hard it is to say the term "Mom pun" repeatedly. If you would like to see the Reading Rainbow where Tyne Daley reads Amazing Grace, here is the episode: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6f5eek For the full Show Notes please visit: http://blogs.slj.com/afuse8production/2019/09/16/fuse-8-n-kate-swimmy-by-leo-lionni/