Fuse 8 N' Kate

Episode 87 - Who Needs Donuts?



"It's like the Where's Waldo of literature!" This week we're celebrating another cult classic picture book (the last one we did was The Lonely Doll by Dare Wright). There aren't a ton of them out there, but this one certainly does apply. The timing of this podcast has much to do with the fact that Mr. Stamaty has just released MacDoodle Street, a collection of his adult strips. In the course of things we discover that this book has 27 pipes, we discuss whether or not Mr. Stamaty really does suffer from horror vacui, and how you would sing the line "Who needs donuts when you've got love?". It fails the stranger danger test magnificently, sure, but we can all get behind its "inspired sense of the absurd." Want to read the original New York Times review of this book by Barbara Bottner? Go no further than here. I think it was keen of them to tap Bottner for this: https://www.nytimes.com/1973/10/14/archives/who-needs-donuts-by-mark-alan-stamaty-illustrated-by-the-author.html Has anyone ever combined a donut a