Fuse 8 N' Kate

Episode 49 - The Gruffalo



If we are to assume that the point of this podcast is to shine a light on "classic" picture books and ascertain whether or not they deserve that designation, it's a short walk to doing the same for books from other countries. What better then than to consider a picture book that is MASSIVELY successful in England, and only mildly recognized in the States? As a reminder, it was listener Rebekah Harris-Hughes who should receive full credit for suggesting today's book. So thank you, Rebekah! Source Notes: -If you follow no other links in these source notes, you MUST listen to the Deep In Bear Country: Episode 156. I have never heard such insightful discussions of bullying in children's literature: https://berenstainbearcast.wordpress.com/2018/07/14/episode-156-the-bully/ - Do check out the Dean Forest and it's rather adorable Gruffalo Trail: https://www.deanheritagecentre.com/whats-on/gruffalo-trail - Further information on checking out the Gruffalo statues at Kilmardinny Loch: http://www.glasgowwithkids.co.