Fuse 8 N' Kate

Episode 23 - Madeline



If you've ever found yourself thinking, "You know, I like the Fuse 8 n' Kate podcast, but would it kill them to occasionally do terrible French accents for long periods of time?" then have we got a show for you!! This week Kate's sick, but the sisters plod onward and upward. In the course of things the episode turns out to be a momentous one. We doubt you'll see where this conversation will turn. It's a shocker. Show Notes: - In case you missed it you can check out this 9-second Vine of Nickelback called "Look At This Graph". Full explanation here: https://www.buzzfeed.com/craigsilverman/people-cant-stop-watching-this-hilarious-nine-sec?utm_term=.pu8lKjz8r#.dwN8j51nP - Actually, the book came out in 1939. So that whole "Post-WWII" bit . . . um . . . yeah. - No. They visit her after Day Ten. Betsy says it's between 1-10 days. Nope. It's post ten. - In the first Top 100 Picture Books poll, Madeline was at #8: http://blogs.slj.com/afuse8production/2009/05/06/top-100-picture-books-poll-results-8/ - When t