Catholic Homilies By Fr Linus Clovis

The refused to repent due to the hardness of their heart



We now see a change in our Lord’s approach to His ministry. Before He worked, at the beginning of His ministry, He worked many miracles and many signs and His words were for the most part were gentle and inviting. Then we’re told that after He sent the twelve out, and they came back – there was a change. The Lord Himself was not taken by surprise, in fact He had said to the Disciples, “If you enter any town that they do not make you welcome, then shake the very dust from your shoes as you leave it”. But where was the Lord Himself working – throughout Galilee, we’re told He began to reproach the towns in which most of His miracles had been worked and the reason was because of the hardness of hearts, the refusal to repent. These towns were also the place that the majority of the Apostles came from, after all Phillip had come from Bethsaida, Andrew and Simon-Peter as well as James and John, so five of them we know for sure came from Bethsaida or the region. So some certainly had believed what our Lord had said,