Sloane Rhodes Podcast

Soul Mates, Twin Flames, Karmic Relationships - Falling In Love W Self by Sloane Rhodes



Soul Mates, Twin Flames, Karmic Relationships - Falling in Love w/ Self Book an appointment Sloane Rhodes, MA Certified Angel Card Reader, Tarot, Oracle, Fairyologist, Reiki, Minister. Soul mates, twin flames, karmic relationships - These types of connections can be exhilarating, confusing, frustrating and sometimes painful to our hearts. But they come into our awareness for a reason; and that is to teach us about self-love, and the art of non-attachment. We are meant to remember who we are at a soul level, to know that we are in need of nothing, that we lack nothing. These relationships will reflect our love back to us, but they do not give us love. They are meant to ignite us and drive us into our heart space so that we can begin to know unconditional love in all areas of our lives; and to remember and align with who we truly are, a beautiful, eternal soul, whole and complete just as we are.