Valley Beit Midrash

Practical Teshuva Workshop – “Guided Introspection”



ABOUT THE EVENT: Bring a laptop (or pen and paper), and an open view of yourself. Confidentiality assured. The purpose of this workshop is to bring all the lofty concepts of Teshuva down to earth, and down to each of us and our own life. Join me as we spend about 45 minutes in a guided introspective writing exercise to do some critical stock-taking so we can move forward to change. ABOUT THE SPEAKER: Dr. David I. Bernstein is the Dean of the Pardes Institute for Jewish Studies on Jerusalem. Previously he was the Director of Midreshet Lindenbaum. He lectures widely and travels with student and adult groups to Poland and other Jewish heritage sites in Europe as historian-in-residence. DONATE:​​​​​​​ For podcasts of VBM lectures, GO HERE:​ Become a member today, starting at just $18 per month! Click the link to see our membership options: