Valley Beit Midrash

How does the Rambam resolve a clash between Torah and Reason?



ABOUT THE EVENT: Professor Ross will discuss the virtues and limitations of employing allegory as a method of reconciling religious truth claims with science, as evidenced in Maimonides’ defense of creation ex nihilo in his Guide to the Perplexed. ABOUT THE SPEAKER: Professor Tamar Ross is Professor Emeritus of the Department of Jewish philosophy at Bar Ilan University. She continues to teach at Midreshet Lindenbaum. She did her Ph.D. at the Hebrew University and served as a post-doctoral fellow at the Center for Jewish Studies at Harvard. She is the author of Expanding the Palace of Torah: Orthodoxy and Feminism. Her areas of expertise include: concepts of God, revelation, religious epistemology, philosophy of halacha, the Musar movement, and the thought of Rabbi A.I. Kook. DONATE:​​​​​​​ For podcasts of VBM lectures, GO HERE:​ Become a member today, starting at just $18 per month! Click the link to see our