Valley Beit Midrash

The Old Man Kohelet: His Life On Review



ABOUT THIS EVENT: A deep dive into the book and the man: Kohelet. Learn how this poet’s chapbook serves as a vehicle for a life review of the author and provides direction for our own lives–and how this perspective, wow consistent with the internal workings of the book challenges scholarly and traditional notions of authorship and intent. ABOUT THE SPEAKER: Kerry Olitzky is the former long time executive director of Big Tent Judaism. He was vice president of the Wexner Heritage Foundation and was on the faculty and administration of Hebrew Union College following his tenure as a congregational rabbi. He is the author of over 75 books and hundreds of articles and has recently focused his attention on writing children's books, motivated perhaps by the blessing of 7 grandchildren. DONATE:​​​​​​​ For podcasts of VBM lectures, GO HERE:​ Become a member today, starting at just $18 per month! C