Valley Beit Midrash

Rabbi Daniel Raphael Silverstein - Mystical and Psychological Perspectives on the Seder



ABOUT THIS EVENT: In this session, we will explore together the centrality of speech and storytelling to the Seder night. How do our biblical, rabbinic, and mystical texts understand the connection between speech and freedom? And how can we harness their wisdom to use our own speech to bring greater freedom to ourselves, and to our world? ABOUT THIS SPEAKER: Daniel Raphael Silverstein is a rabbi, educator, meditation teacher and MC/poet. He lives in Israel with his family, where he is a faculty member of Pardes, Or HaLev, the Conservative Yeshiva, and the Romemu Yeshiva (NY). Daniel recently launched the online learning portal, Applied Jewish Spirituality, which makes the transformative spiritual wisdom of our tradition accessible to all who seek it. DONATE:​​​​​​ LEARNING MATERIALS:…-MOSHE-1.pdf For podcasts of VBM lectures, GO HERE: