Valley Beit Midrash

Marc Dollinger - Jews and Whiteness



Professor Marc Dollinger, chard and Rhoda Goldman Endowed Chair in Jewish Studies and Social Responsibility at San Francisco State University, presents his lecture "Jews and Whiteness" before an audience at Congregation Beth Israel ( in Scottsdale, AZ. ABOUT THIS LECTURE: Are American Jews white? The question, answered differently by different generations of American Jews, gets at the heart of American Jewish identity. Have Jews remained separate and distinct from the rest of middle-class America or have they assimilated so much that they have become white? Come explore the contentious history and sociology of Jews and racial definition. We’ll journey back to the 1960s and discover some (surprising) insights into the debate over Jewish whiteness. DONATE: For more info, please visit: Music: "They Say" by WowaMusik, a public domain track from the YouTube Audi