Valley Beit Midrash

Zvi Zohar - All Jews are Jews by Birth: Are Jews a Faith Community?



Professor Zvi Zohar, Chauncey Stillman Professor of Sephardic Law and Ethics - Bar-Ilan University, presents his Valley Beit Midrash lecture "All Jews are Jews by Birth: Are Jews a Faith Community?" before an audience at Temple Solel ( in Paradise Valley, AZ. ABOUT THIS LECTURE: A person born as a Jew remains a Jew, however s/he behaves. Surprisingly, this is stated in the Talmud only with regard to one kind of Jew: a former Gentile who became Jewish by the halakhic process of giyyur. Indeed, the Talmud says that such a person is like a newly-born (Jewish) child. We will read together sources that enable us to understand this view of giyyur as birth, and discuss the implications for our understanding of how the halakhic tradition understands Jewishness. DONATE: 
LEARNING MATERIALS: For more info, please visit: Music: "They Say" by WowaMusik, a publ