Valley Beit Midrash

Justin Cammy - Why Yiddish Matters



Professor Justin Cammy, director of Jewish studies at Smith College ( presents his Valley Beit Midrash lecture "Why Yiddish Matters" before an audience at Congregation Or Tzion ( in Scottsdale, AZ. ABOUT THIS LECTURE: What is the relationship between language and fate, homecomings and leave-takings, the commitment to art and a writer’s service to his community? We will explore these questions through the prism of Sutzkever, whom one scholar called “the last great Yiddish poet.” Justin Cammy, a leading world expert on Sutzkever, will introduce us to Sutzkever’s writings, from the beginning of his career in interwar Poland to his contributions to the cultural life of the Vilna Ghetto to his dedication to rebuilding Yiddish culture after the war in the first Hebrew city, Tel Aviv. Why does Sutzkever, and Yiddish, continue to matter, and what can we learn about ourselves by reading a great Jewish writer? DONATE: For more info,