Valley Beit Midrash

Abby Stein - The Intersectionality of Gender and Jewish Identity



Abby Stein, an activist, speaker, and author, presents her Valley Beit Midrash lecture "The Intersectionality of Gender and Jewish Identity" before an audience at Congregation Beth Israel ( in Scottsdale, AZ. ABOUT THIS LECTURE: For generations, many Jews saw gender within Judaism as black and white, male and female, with no place for fluidity. Until today, ultra-Orthodox communities ignore the existence of gender diversity within Jewish tradition. However, Judaism is rich and full with gender diversity. This session will explore different approaches within primary Jewish texts, from the creation story, the several genders of the Talmud, to transgender theory within Kabbalah, with real-life examples. It will also include a hands-on guide to creating queer-friendly rituals! DONATE: 
LEARNING MATERIALS: Forthcoming For more info, please visit: Music: "They Say