Valley Beit Midrash

Erica Brown - Time to Change? Jewish Identity for the 21st Century



Dr. Erica Brown, director of its Mayberg Center for Jewish Education and Leadership and an associate professor of curriculum and pedagogy at The George Washington University ( presented the first annual Sherman Minkoff Memorial Lecture titled "Time to Change? Jewish Identity for the 21st Century," the opening event of Valley Beit Midrash's 2019-2020 Jaburg-Wilk Learning Season LEARNING MATERIALS: ABOUT THIS SPEAKER: Dr. Erica Brown is an associate professor of curriculum and pedagogy at The George Washington University and the director of its Mayberg Center for Jewish Education and Leadership. She is the author of twelve books on leadership, the Hebrew Bible and spirituality; her forthcoming commentary is The Book of Esther: Power, Fate and Fragility in Exile (Koren/OU). She has been published in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Tablet and The Jewish Review of Books and wrote a monthly column for the New York Jewish Week. She has blogged for Psy