Actuaries Institute Podcast

Securing Adequate Retirement Incomes for an Ageing Australia



TRANSCRIPT: The Actuaries Institute has published its Public Policy Statement, 'Securing Adequate Retirement Incomes for an Ageing Australia'.This landmark statement sets out 13 policy positions on key reforms that aim to improve the Australian retirement system. The intent is to create a system that is clear in its objective, simpler, more efficient, delivers adequacy and improves equity across and within generations.In this podcast, Andrew Boal, Convenor of the Institute's Retirement Strategy Group, Tim Jenkins, Convenor of the Superannuation and Investments Practice Committee, and Shang Wu, a member of the Retirement Incomes Working Group, joined Vanessa Beenders on the Actuaries Institute Podcast to discuss the key points of the Statement.The time has come to be ambitious… to think ‘big’ and make a lasting difference. And it’s time for all Australians to live with dignity in retirement. Policy Docu