Healing Out Loud With Jackie Shea

29. Lyme disease and Using Meditation to Heal—Healing Out Loud Podcast – Jackie Shea



Shona Curley, co-owner of Hasti Pilates,  founder of red kite meditations,mother, Lyme warrior Shona Curley's Lyme Journey: Shona is one of the seemingly lucky ones: She found the tick and pulled it out. But, even that didn't stop chronic lyme disease symptoms from appearing, and, surprisingly, it also didn't streamline her diagnosis. There's no doubt that, in Northern California where Lyme disease is prevalent, Shona should have been quickly diagnosed based on her symptoms and the tick, but doctors denied the possibility of a Lyme infection for over two years.  A barrage of symptoms—constant colds, severe GI issues, insomnia, crushing anxiety, noise and light sensitivity, cognitive impairment—left Shona and her family terrified and desperate for answers. It was a by-chance meeting with a random doctor who listened that left her with a Lyme diagnosis less than one year ago. Since then, Shona has found great healing from chronic Lyme disease in Buhner herbs, antibiotics, a medical intuitive, amalgam removal,