Random Bush

4.18 - Yoga, Horses, and Murder?



Season 4 Episode 18 Yoga, Horses, and Murder? Guest Co-Host Meredith Sonnefeldt stops by the Super Bush Studios to discuss a huge world of topics!  Actually, she calls in from Chicago.  The Super Bush Studios are closed.  Even the cafeteria, which is weird because I was just in there last week getting a Gatorade and they were like "we're closed" and I was like "isn't this just a fridge?" and they were still all "NO! Closed!"   CREDITS: Guest Co-Host: Meredith Sonnefeldt Voice Talent: Felicia Bush AUDIO: "Bowie Twerk" by "Free Music to Use" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXmom92ebzg