Eight Million

S8E3: The Race for a Coronavirus Vaccine



The novel coronavirus has spread faster than any epidemic in recent memory. It’s called the “stealth virus” for a reason: patients are infectious even before they have symptoms. That means fully eradicating COVID19 could hinge on the development of a vaccine - which may be more than a year away. Today, we are going to talk about why a vaccine could be a long term solution, what types of vaccines are under development, and the progress The University of Hong Kong is making to create a novel coronavirus vaccine. Guests:Professor Malik Peiris, Chair of Virology at HKU School of Public HealthProfessor Leo Poon, Head of Public Health Laboratory Sciences at HKU School of Public HealthFurther Listening and Reading:Fight COVID19 with HKU websiteJoint JMSC and School of Public Health Workshop for Journalists on COVID19 If you have some questions you’d like us to answer, record a voice memo and send it to us by email to fightCOVID-19withHKU@gmail.com. Your questions might be answered on on