L.a.b.chats With Krista Pettiford

Meet Our Called Conference Speakers



In this episode, I'm chatting with Lisa Daniels who will be leading worship for us at Called Conference 2020. Lisa has an amazing story and a beautiful spirit which makes her an amazing worship leader with a beautiful found. We go deep into beautiful deep things about living a life of faith. I thoroughly enjoyed our conversation and I believe you will too.  Lisa is a loving wife and mother who loves to worship the Lord. Lisa a worship leader at Bayview Church, and also the Student Ministries director. Through leading worship and teaching God’s Word, her mission is to inspire and encourage everyone to believe in themselves and that they too are fearfully and wonderfully made. You can find Lisa on Instagram here: @ldaniels619 Find out more about our line up here: Called Conference Purchase your Tickets to Called Conference here: Tickets