Autoimmune Adventures

Healing With Fermented Foods: Sarah Ramsden



How is the balance of bacteria in your gut impacting your health, and what can you do about it? Fermented foods offer a low-impact and relatively safe way to affect the balance of bacteria in your gut. Bacteria impact digestion and help to modulate the immune system, a significant portion of which is in the digestive tract. Imbalances in the microbiome can have far-reaching affects on health. Nutritionist Sarah Ramsden, creator of the Fearless Fermentation series, shares how to overcome the barriers to making and eating fermented foods and the benefits of eating more of them. Sarah offers a simple action plan to incorporate fermented foods into your diet that will have you healing your microbiome through enjoying your childhood favorites. Show notes available at Support the show by subscribing in iTunes and leaving a review. Thank you! Julie Stiles, creator and host of Autoimmune Adventures