Autoimmune Adventures

Creating Communion With Your Body: Blossom Benedict



Are you listening to your body or at war with it? Many (if not most) people have an abundance of judgments about their body. With chronic illness, you may notice even more judgments about yourself and your body that contribute to dis-ease and disharmony. When immersed in judgment it can feel impossible to emerge, but when you get out of conclusion and into question, you can create a relationship with your body based on harmony, joy, and ease. In this episode, Blossom Benedict shares how to create communion with your body and shift out of diagnoses and judgments. We discuss the specific questions to ask and concrete tools so you can learn to listen to your body and collaborate with it instead of managing or controlling it. In using these questions and tools, you increase your awareness of what’s true for you and your body. Show notes available at Support the show by subscribing in iTunes and leaving a review. Thank you! Julie Stiles, creator and host of Autoimmune Adventures