Autoimmune Adventures

Healing with Chinese and Functional Medicine: Anne Angelone



Different approaches can offer new perspectives on healing autoimmunity. Acupuncturist and herbalist Anne Angelone shares ideas from both Chinese Medicine and Functional Medicine. From the inner tradition of Chinese Medicine comes the idea of medicine as an aid to spiritual evolution and the importance of looking at what you are identified with. Functional Medicine brings in the physical testing to find and address underlying causes. Practical tips include using breath to regulate chi and use the autoimmune protocol to address nutritional imbalances and help heal the gut and mucosal immunity. Anne shares her own personal experience of struggling with undiagnosed ankylosing spondylitis and what has helped in her healing journey. Show notes available at Support the show by subscribing in iTunes and leaving a review. Thank you! Julie Stiles, creator and host of Autoimmune Adventures