Cyborgs: A Bionic Podcast

Critical Assignment 01: Lindsay Wagner at DragonCon 2013



Taking a break for the summer allowed John to go out on special missions for the podcast.  These "Critical Assignments" took him to far-off exotic locales where he met up with other agents of the OSI.  In this episode, John travels to Atlanta, Georgia for DragonCon 2013.  There, he met actress Lindsay Wagner and hosted a Q&A panel on Friday, August 29.  He captured the audio of the panel and we're sharing it with you on the podcast.  John relates what it was like meeting Lindsay and Paul talks with Betsy Dodd, The Bionic Blonde, about the creation of a special introductory career video seen before Lindsay took the stage. Comment on the episode here or write or call 888-866-9010 or better still use the "Send Voicemail" tab on the left of the page to leave a message via your computer.  Take a moment to rate the episode by using our star system at the bottom of this entry. Links Lindsay Wagner's website Order The High Road to Health: A Vegetarian Cookbook from Amazon IMDB listing F