Cyborgs: A Bionic Podcast

The Seven Million Dollar Man



(RIGHT CLICK IMAGE TO SAVE EPISODE TO YOUR COMPUTER.) Steve learns of the existence of a second cyborg despite Oscar and Rudy's best attempts to keep the information from him.  He is further disturbed to see that Oscar is intent on making this second bionic project work even though there are clear signs that Barney Miller (Monte Markham), the race car driver horribly injured in an accident, is not handling being bionic as well as Steve has managed to. When Barney decides that he will make sure he is a unique being even if it means killing Rudy, it's up to Steve to stop him.  Joining John and Paul is award winning science fiction author Robert J. Sawyer.  Comment on the episode here or write or better still use the "Send Voicemail" tab on the left of the page to leave a message via your computer.  Take a moment to rate the episode by using our star system at the bottom of this entry.   Rating: Bionic Wiki entry The6milliondollarblog entry Robert J. Sawyer has won the Hugo, Nebula,