Cyborgs: A Bionic Podcast

The Pioneers



Oscar sends Steve and Rudy Wells into the woods to recover a downed spacecraft that contains two human test subjects in cryogenics.  One of the astronauts gets out before he can be treated properly and roams through the forrest like a wild beast.  Steve has to stop him before Oscar's secret experiment gets out to the world at large.  Joining John and Paul is author/podcaster Kevin Lauderdale. Comment on the episode here or write Rating: Bionic Wiki entry The6milliondollarblog entry Kevin Lauderdale has written essays and articles for the Los Angeles Times, The Dictionary of American Biography, Animato,, and; and his poetry has appeared in Andrei Codrescu's The Exquisite Corpse.  He has published fiction in several of Pocket Books' Star Trek anthologies, including Constellations, which celebrated the 40th anniversary of the original Star Trek.  His original fiction has appeared in Neo-opsismagazine and Cthulhu Unbound, the cross-genre Lovecraftian collecti