Cyborgs: A Bionic Podcast

The Coward



(RIGHT CLICK IMAGE TO SAVE EPISODE TO YOUR COMPUTER.) Steve travels to China's border to recover top secret documents from a plane that was downed during World War II.  This is a personal mission for Steve as the leader of the mission back then was his own father, Carl Austin, and the government's position is that Carl abandoned his crew as the plane went down.  John and Paul are joined by writer/publisher/critic Dr. Arnold T. Blumberg as they look at this first episode that establishes Steve's family. Rating: Please take a moment to comment on this episode here, or by writing, or by calling 888-866-9010. BionicWiki entry on the episode. Entry from Arnold T. Blumberg is an author, editor, book designer, and educator. He is the co-author of the Howe’s Transcendental Toybox series of Doctor Who merchandise guides from Telos Publishing, the designer of other Telos books including The Target Book, the author of “Stolen Days” in Short Trips: How the Doctor