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[LIVE] How to Break Free From Feeling Like a Fraud (and Rock Your Business) | Ep. 83



As soon as you start offering a service that’s really important in the world, guess what happens? You often begin to exhibit symptoms of the “imposter syndrome.”  Fortunately, there’s a simple formula for banishing that painful feeling forever. To be a successful entrepreneur, you have to promise your clients big results and deliver on that promise. But when you’re starting out, making a big promise and trusting yourself to deliver on it can be really scary. You’re likely to wonder, “Who am I to be doing this?” This extreme self-doubt that can derail your business is so common it’s been named “the imposter syndrome”. If you’ve been suffering from it, your suffering ends today! I’m going to reveal how a few simple things you already do naturally prove you have exactly what your clients need.   Sign up to be one of the first to receive a free copy of my new book - High End Package Manifesto: The Antidote To Under Charging & Under Earning. Get your copy here →