

What’s the first step to to a million dollar business? Sometimes it’s failing an important test… Stop by Pat Flynn’s Smart Passive Income blog and you’ll see a banner announcing his earnings last month—more than $120K. How’d he get there? Would you believe it all started with him losing his job as an architect. In today’s podversation, Pat lays out how failing the architect certification exam eventually lead to his decision to help others avoid the same fate… and this eventually led him to inadvertently build an online empire. If you want to achieve incredible and sustainable business success, you’ll love how simply Pat explains what works (and what doesn’t) in creating online revenue. And if you ever worry you aren’t enough of an expert in your field or that your niche is too small, you’re about to feel a whole lot better!   Get our awesome YES MAP, the proven blueprint we created to help you turn conversations with potential clients into awesome high-paying clients here -->