7 Min Marketing With Pam Didner

4 - Leading a marketing team to consensus



Question: “I lead a virtual marketing team.  Everyone seems to have his or her ideas on how to do things. How do I lead the team to consensus?” -- Melissa I know how hard it is to lead a virtual team. If you work in a big corporation, you know what I mean. There’re a lot of initiatives which are cross-functional. Here are three rules I follow: Do my homework and define what I want first. Let the team Tear Apart My Ideas Get the team’s recommendations and input to refine the plans When I was an operations manager, I was tasked with organizing a winter party for 200 people with help from a committee of 10 volunteers — all with different backgrounds and opinions. Had I opened the floor to suggestions from the get-go, I would have got at least 30 ideas thrown at me that I’d have to narrow down over numerous meetings, while juggling my full-time job.  So rather than asking the volunteers, “What do you want?” I did some homework and defined what I wanted. I searched online; I talked to event vendors; and I met wi