7 Min Marketing With Pam Didner

1 - Applying content marketing to sports marketing



Applying content marketing to sports marketing Question: How does content marketing apply to sports marketing? -- Jake Let’s start with the content marketing definition first. Here it goes:  “The process of developing and sharing relevant, valuable, and engaging content to target audience with the goal of acquiring new customers or increasing business from existing customers.”  In other words, content marketing is about creating and sharing content to help, challenge, educate, entertain your audience or facilitate their buying process.  Modern sports marketing is no longer confined to big stadiums or fun events. Sports fans follow their teams and share their passion and frustrations digitally.  With the always-on social media, sports teams and fans are not limited to interacting with their team only during the regular season. Teams need something to engage the audience during the off-season.  Content is that “something," a means to sustain that continuous momentum and emotional connection. Speaking of the typ