Price Projection Room

Beirut (dir. Brad Anderson)



The film follows a fictional hostage situation in Beirut, Lebanon at the height of the Lebanon Civil War. Our panel discusses the controversies surrounding the film including how Hollywood portrays the Middle East. Is it social commentary, an action thriller, or both? Listen now to find out how our all-star panel felt. Featuring host Erroll Southers and guests Lt. Col. Olivia Nelson, Jonathan Schwartz, and David Warshofsky. Let us know what you think of the film and our conversation at Facebook or Twitter. This podcast is sponsored by Price Video Services and USC Bedrosian Center, and continues ongoing efforts to bring policy and its impact into the public discourse. Special thanks to Dean Jack Knott, USC Price; Dean David Bridel, USC School of Dramatic Arts; and Dean Elizabeth Daley, USC Cinematic Arts for their support of this interdisciplinary conversation.  This podcast was produced by Aubrey Hicks and Jonathan Schwartz, recorded and mixed by The Brothers Hedden, Ryan & Corey Hedden.